The Cat Overlord

A message to all humans!

We have a message from your Overlord. The message is encrypted, so, scrunch your eyes up tight. That's it. Well done. Good humanoid. 

Your Cat Overlord demands an extra creamy bowl of milk. And some catnip. Oh, and if you could just stroke behind the ear until I scratch you to stop that will be acceptable. 

Did you see the Cat Overlord? Perhaps a conspiring hamster? No. Just some bizarre blur on the picture, most likely taken by my rubbish phone in my pocket. Yeah. That. Probably. 

Need reminding of what Pocket Picture Taker is all about? Read the About Us page. 

At Pocket Picture Taker we like to have fun in a very tongue in cheek fashion, but to please the internet we've decided to add a charity link on all our posts to draw attention to the work being taken by some wonderful organisations. We'll try to link it to the posts, so, on this post of "The Cat Overlord", we'd like to highlight the work of Cat Protection the UKs leading charity for the protection of cats (moggies, kitty cats, puddy cats, kittens, clawed furballs, fluffy paperweights, etc....). Good work cat people!
